Have you ever been interested in hands? There is a wealth of information to be discovered in the landscape of the hand. In addition, close study of the fingerprints reveal patterns that can teach us a great deal about why we are here and who we are to be in this lifetime. Using this information can help us choose fulfilling life directions, improve relationships and accept ourselves and others more deeply.
Did you know you can discover what your emotional style is, what are likely to be repetitive challenges, and how you prefer to process information?
The form of palmistry I practise is non predictive. I'm not going to see your 'tall dark handsome stranger'. But I am able to explore with you (for example) what Love might mean to you, and how to communicate with people with different styles of thinking and relating.
Sometimes life brings us to crossroads. You have a map to your life in your hands. I am equipped to read it. If you are curious to see what you might find out about yourself and the best directions for you to take, there are a variety of explorations of the hand I offer.